英 文 名:Production Planning and Control
前 置 课:运筹学;管理学
后 置 课:企业资源计划
学 分:3学分
课 时:51课时
选定教材:Steven Nahmial. 生产与运作分析(第四版)影印版. 清华大学出版社,2003年08月
生产计划与控制是生产管理的主体内容,如同计算机系统没有软件将寸步难行,企业的生产系统离开生产计划与控制,将无法正常运行,更谈不上如何有效地将生产要素转变为物质或服务产品,在及时满足客户需求的同时,获得最大的经济效益。尤其是在经济全球化和市场需求多样化的 21 世纪,随着企业资源计划 (ERP) 、精益生产、大规模定制、供应链管理 (SCM) 等与现代生产管理相关的概念的出现,对于生产计划与控制提出了新的要求,因此生产计划与控制课程不仅要传授经典的生产计划与控制基本原理与方法,而且要包括先进的生产计划与控制原理与方法。本课程包括基础知识模块、经典的生产计划与控制模块和现代生产计划与控制模块三个知识模块。其中,基础知识模块含生产系统及生产管理战略、需求预测、库存管理,经典的生产计划与控制模块含综合生产计划、主生产计划、物料需求计划、能力需求计划、生产调度、项目计划与控制,现代生产计划与控制模块含供应链管理计划、JIT与丰田生产方式、生产计划新进展(包括最优化生产计划、基于TOC的生产计划、高级计划与排程、大规模定制及其生产计划)。
第一章生产系统和运作策略(Production system and operation strategy)
1.1 Basic conception of Production & Operations
1.2 Organization of production system
1.3 Production system and its classification
1.4 Operations Management &Operations Strategy
1.5 The Classical View of Operations Strategy
1.6 Modern Operations Strategy and Competition
1.7 Matching Process and Product Life Cycles
1.8 Capacity Growth Planning
1. Compare different type of production system classified based on customization degree, point out in which situation they can be used, illustrate theirs advantages and disadvantages, and used some practical examples to explain in details.
2. Compare the four classical view of Operation Strategy, point out theirs different management emphasis and different application enterprises, enumerate practical examples.
3. Enumerate the main strategic initiatives, use the practical enterprises to illustrate theirs characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.
4. a. What are the four phases of the manufacturing process that appear in the product-process matrix.
b. Discuss the disadvantages of operating off the diagonal of the matrix.
5. What is the difference between the product life cycle and the process life cycle? In what way are these concepts related?
第二章 需求预测(Forecasting)
2.1 The Time Horizon in Forecasting
2.2 Characteristics of Forecasts
2.3 Subjective Foresting Methods
2.4 Objective Forecasting Methods
2.5 Notation Conventions and Evaluating Forecast
2.6 Methods for Forecasting Stationary Series.
2.7 Trend-Based Methods
2.8 Methods for Seasonal Series
1.What does the term biased mean in reference to a particular forecasting technique?
2. Observed weekly sales of ball peen hammers at the town hardware store over an eight-week period have been 14,9,30,22,34,12,19,23.
suppose that three-week moving averages are used to forecast sales. Determine the one-step-ahead forecasts for weeks 4 through 8.
Suppose that exponential smoothing is used with a smoothing constant of a=.15. Find the exponential smoothing forecasts for weeks 4 through8.( To get the method started, use the same forecast for week 4 as you used in part(a).)
Based o the MAD, which method did better?
What is the exponential smoothing forecast made at the end of week 6 for the sales in week 12?
第三章 综合生产计划Aggregate Planning
3.1 Aggregate unit of production
3.2 Costs in Aggregate planning
3.3 A prototype problem
3.4 Solution of Aggregate planning problems
Harold Grey owns a small farm in the Salinas Valley that grows apricots. The apricots are dried on the premises and sold to a number of large supermarket chains. Based on past experience and committed contracts, he estimates that sales over the next five years in thousands of packages will be as follows:
Forecasted Demand
(thousands of packages)
Assume that each worker stays on the job for at least one year, and that Grey currently has three workers on the payroll. He estimates that he will have 20,000 packages on hand at the end of the current year. Assume that, on the average, each worker is paid $25,000 per year and is responsible for producing 30,000 packages. Inventory costs have been estimated to be 4 cents per package per year, and shortages are not allowed. Based on the effort of interviewing and training new workers, Farmer Grey estimates that it costs $500 for each worker hired. Severance pay amounts to $1,000 per worker.
a. Assuming that shortages are not allowed, determine the minimum constant workforce that he will need over the next five years.
b. Evaluate the cost of the plan found in part (a).
第四章 已知需求的库存控制Inventory Control Subject to Known Demand
4.1 Types of Inventories
4.2 Motivation for Holding Inventories
4.3 Characteristics of Inventory Systems
4.4 Relevant Costs
4.5 The EOQ Model
4.6 EOQ Model with Finite Production Rate
A specialty coffeehouse sells Colombian coffee at a fairly steady rate of 280 pounds annually. The beans are purchased from a local supplier for $2.40 per pound. The coffeehouse estimates that it costs $45 in paperwork and labor to place an order for the coffee, and holding costs are based on a 20 percent annual interest rate.
a. Determine the optimal order quantity for Colombian coffee.
b. What is the time between placement of orders?
c. What is the average annual cost of holding and setup due to this item?
d. If replenishment lead time is three weeks, determine the reorder level based on the on-hand inventory.
第五章 不确定需求的库存控制Inventory Control Subject to Uncertain Demand
5.1 The nature of randomnesss
5.2 Optimization Criterion
5.3 The newsboy model
5.4 Lot Size-Reorder Point System.
5.5 Service levels in (Q,R) Systems
5.6 Additional discussion of periodic-Review system
5.7 multi-product system
An automotive warehouse stocks a variety of parts that are sold at neighborhood stores. One particular part, a popular brand of oil filter, is purchased by the warehouse for $1.50 each. It is estimated that the cost of order processing and receipt is $100 per order. The company uses an inventory carrying charge based on a 28 percent annual interest rate.
The monthly demand for the filter follows a normal distribution with mean 280 and standard deviation 77. Order lead time is assumed to be five months.
Assume that if a filter is demanded when the warehouse is out of stock, then the demand is back-ordered, and the cost assessed for each back-ordered demand is $12.80. Determine the following quantities:
a. The optimal values of the order quantity and the reorder level.
b. The average annual cost of holding, setup, and stock-out associated with this item assuming that an optimal policy is used.
c. Evaluate the cost of uncertainty for this process. That is, compare the average annual cost you obtained in part (b) with the average annual cost that would be incurred if the lead time demand had zero variance.
第六章 物料需求计划 (material requirements planning)
6.1 Master Production Schedule (MSP)
6.2 Capacity Planning (CP)
6.3 The Explosion Calculus
6.4 Alternative lot-sizing Schemes
6.5 Incorporating lot-sizing Algorithms into the Explosion Calculus
6.6 Lot sizing with capacity Constraints
1. The Noname Computer Company builds a computer designated model ICU2. It imports the motherboard of the computer from Taiwan, but the company inserts the sockets for the chips and boards in its plant in Lubbock, Texas. Each computer requires a total of 90 64K DRAM (dynamic random access memory) chips. Noname sells the computers with three add-in boards and two disk drives. The company purchases both the DRAM chips and the disk drives from an outside supplier. The product structure diagram for the ICU2 computer is given in Figure 4-1. Suppose that the forecasted demands for the computer for weeks 6 to 11 are 220, 165, 180, 120, 75, and 300. The starting inventory of assembled computers in week 6 will be 75, and the production manager anticipates returns of 30 in week 8 and 10 in week 10.
a. Determine the MPS for the computers.
b. Determine the planned order release for the motherboards assuming a lot-for-lot scheduling rule.
c. Determine the schedule of outside orders for the disk drives.

FIGURE 4-1 Product structure diagram for ICU2 computer (for Problem 4-12)
2. For the previous problem, suppose that Noname has 23,000 DRAM chips in inventory. It anticipates receiving a lot of 3,000 chips in week 3 from another firm that has gone out of business. At the current time, Noname purchases the chips from two vendors, A and B. A sells the chips for less, but will not fill an order exceeding 10,000 chips per week.
a. If Noname has established a policy of inventorying as few chips as possible, what order should it be placing with vendors A and B over the next six weeks?
b. Noname has found that not all the DRAM chips purchased function properly. From past experience it estimates an 8 percent failure rate for the chips purchased from vendor A and a 4 percent failure rate for the chips purchased from vendor B. What modification in the order schedule would you recommend to compensate for this problem?
第七章 车间作业计划 (Operation scheduling)
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Job Shop Scheduling Terminology
6.3 Sequencing Rules
6.4 Sequencing Theory for a Single Machine
6.5 Sequencing Theory for Multiple Machines
6.6 Assembly Line Balancing
6.7 Advanced Topics for Operations scheduling
1.Discuss each of the objectives listed below and the relationship each has with job shop performance.
a. Reduce WIP inventory.
b. Provide a high level of customer service.
c. Reduce worker idle time.
d. Improve factory efficiency.
2.Define the following terms:
a. Flow shop.
b. Job shop.
c. Sequential versus parallel processing.
d. Make Span.
e. Tardiness.
第八章 生产计划新进展(New Advancement in Production Planning & Control )
(1) Optimized Production Planning
(2) Theory of Constraint Based Production Planning & Scheduling
(3) Advanced Planning and Scheduling
(4) Mass Customization and its Production Planning.
1、 陈荣秋, 马士华.《生产与运作管理》.高等教育出版社.2001年8月;
2、 王丽亚等编著.《生产计划与控制》. 清华大学出版社,2007年8月;
3、 潘尔顺.《生产计划与控制》. 上海交通大学出版社,2003年08月.
执笔人:孟秀丽 2008年11月
审定人:周林泉 2008年11月
院(系、部)负责人:王海燕 2008年11月